Monday, August 17, 2009

What goes around

The last time I have written in this charred up journal was after the fire...To my best memory. I am getting old. As expected, tensions were high after the fire though. There was small arguments here and there and all around crankiness as most of the tribe had not been sleeping as we all worked on getting the camp together again. It seems though, with the fire sweeping through the camp and destroying much, it has also brought in new faces. I do not know many of them. I do not really know of their situation as of that moment. Whether they are showing up because they have no where else in the camp to go now or have lost everything they had in the camp, including their loved ones and are looking for an extended family. They are Tuchuk and I will treat them as such but, as with any new Tuchuk...they have to earn their place and respect of the Tuchuk around them. Ayg held a tribal meeting of sorts to help relieve some of the tension and to just try and rebuild relationships and the harigga at once. I feel the meeting was overall good although I had a difference of opinion with Ayg over the fire trenches. Silken called it just shaving the plains. Several days after the meeting though, another face popped up. They were coming from all over. This one I knew though. Jubie. He was one of the first tuchuks I came to know when I first came to the plains. I spoke for him and Ayg will let him begin again as Ayg has done for me. In doing so though, Ayg promoted me to Commander of Or and my first task was to go and shave the plains. At least I can make Jubie do the bad bad stuff.

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